Disposal and Recycling Instructions

Thank you for choosing our products. For environmentally conscious management, we provide the following instructions for the proper disposal and recycling of our items.

Disposal and Recycling of Hose Clamps and Heavy-Duty Clamps

At the end of the product’s life cycle, it is recommended to proceed with the removal of the entire application, directing all steel components to a specialized collection center, such as foundries and demolition centers. Steel is a fully recyclable material, and its proper disposal allows to optimize resource management and benefit from a significant economic return.

Disposal and Recycling of Systems for Greenhouses and Nurseries

At the end of the product’s life cycle, we encourage you to contact us to allow for an assessment of the system:

  • If the system is still functional and safe for the operator, we commit to allocating it to Developing Countries.
  • If the machine has indeed completed its life cycle, we will provide technical assistance to ensure the proper disposal of various components.

Disposal and Recycling of Packaging

Smaltimento rifiuti
Please strictly adhere to the indicated procedures to ensure a safe and environmentally respectful disposal process.